This year we haven’t been travelling so much for one reason: my student exchange in the UK. To be honest, it didn’t stop us from discovering new things. Living abroad is not always easy. Even if the cultural shock wasn’t that bad, living all by myself with lot of weird stuff (like separate taps for cold and hot water and plastic milk bottles) was challenging (but that’s another story). Therefore, already when we got the confirmation that I will be spending 4 months in Bath, we planned two hiking trips. Poldark and Outlander. Yeah, it’s not a secret – we are huge fans of both of those TV series. So, we didn’t even think anything else: Cornwall and Scotland – here we come!

First of all, we were super lucky with the weather as we got everything from cold rain to summerly sunshine. Off-season Cornwall during the Easter break was great and enabled us to walk (46 km in total) in peace and stay in fancy hotels we could not afford otherwise. What we saved in Cornwall we spent in Scotland as during the summer season it was more difficult to find cheap accommodation (if any, like we noticed on the Isle of Skye). Also, driving a car is much more expensive than public transport and walking, surprise surprise.



18 + 10 + 18 km (11 + 6.2 + 11 miles)



1000 km